Thursday, October 2, 2008

3 Effective Ways To Speed Up Your Computer

Slow ComputerIf you don’t take care of your computer, no matter how good the configuration of your Windows computer may be, it is bound to slow down soon. Just like all other appliances you own, it is essential for you to perform regular preventive maintenance of your computer.

Later on in the post I'll also recommend a few softwares for you to download.

The following are 3 simple and effective methods to fix your slow computer problems and ensure yourself an efficient and high performance computer.

Check and Remove Malware Infections

Most sudden and dramatic slow downs are caused by malicious program such as Trojans, adware, virus, or spyware infecting your computer system. Usually these programs creep quietly on to your system via infected external media, such as CDs, pen drives, and external hard disks. Many malicious programs, especially spyware and adware come bundled with freeware software, such as games, music, and computer utilities. These malicious programs spread quickly once they are on the system.

They not only cause slow computer problems, but may also generate several computer errors. To stop and remove these malicious infections, you need to regularly scan your system and clean it with the help of reliable antivirus and anti spyware tools. To ensure that your system is protected against the latest malware, you must keep these programs updated with the latest definitions released by their manufacturers.

The problem is that they not only cause your computer to slow down, but they may also generate several computer errors. In order to stop and remove these malicious infections, you need to scan your system and clean it with the help of reliable antivirus and anti spyware tools regularly. Make sure you keep these programs updated with the latest definitions released by their manufacturers to ensure that your system is being protected against the latest malwares.

Clean your Hard Disk

The most vital components of your Windows computer is the hard disk. This is due to the simple reason that it comprises all of your data. Over time, the hard disk gets cluttered with unwanted files and folders. If you frequently install and uninstall programs from your PC, then your hard disk may also get filled up with orphan information left behind when you remove these programs. Some of the methods that you can use to maintain a healthy hard disk are:

  • Keep your system free from unwanted programs. You may use the Add or Remove Programs utility to remove these programs from the system.
  • Use a registry cleaner tool to remove any orphan entries left behind in the registry after you have uninstalled a program.
  • Use the Disk Cleanup tool to clean up unwanted data, such as Temporary Internet Files, old program setup files, and obsolete system restore points from the hard disk.
  • Use the Disk Defragmenter to consolidate the fragmented files on the system and thus speed up data access time from the hard disk.
Clean Your Registry

A lot of information are added and removed from the registry as you work on your computer. Many times, information that is no longer required gets left behind and causes registry bloating. It is essential that you regularly scan and clean your registry with the help of a reliable registry cleaner tool in order to prevent your Windows XP and Windows Vista registry problems and also to speed up your computer system.

Recommended Softwares to Download

1) Revo Uninstaller - You can read more about the features at

2) CCleaner - You can read about a post I did about CCleaner at Clean The Crap Out Of Your Computer System.

3) Sandboxie - Read my review about Sandboxie at Sandboxie...The Sandbox On Your Computer.

P.S: Remember, you must take good care of your computer and perform regular preventive maintenance to keep it free from errors. At the end of the day, you will have a healthy and fast computer.


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