Monday, December 29, 2008

How Fast are your Reactions?

How Fast Are Your Reactions - Sheep DashHow fast do you think your reactions are? I just came across this reaction game on BBC.

Tiredness can affect your reaction times. See how alert you are with this game and test the impact of a cup of tea or coffee on your performance.

Here's the instructions:
Click the tranquilizer button whenever you see a sheep leaving the flock and running for freedom.

There are five sheep to stop. But be warned, there's a 3 second penalty if you shoot a dart when no sheep are running.

You can test how fast your reactions are at the link below:

Result at 4.10am in the morning
Reaction Results Before Sleeping
Results at 4.20pm in the afternoon

Reaction Results During The Afternoon
LoL... this are my reaction results. The fastest reaction time for me was 0.0 seconds. Try it out and share with me and others what's your reaction results. You can also post the results on your blog and share this test with your readers.

Oh yea, I just realize that this is my 100th post. Hooray!! Do let me know if you enjoy reading my posts. Thanks.

Have a nice day & God Bless!!

Current Fastest Reaction Result at 1.45am
Current Fastest Reaction Results


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