Friday, October 17, 2008

REFUELING alternatives (PEUGEOT 207 EPURE)

REFUELING alternatives (PEUGEOT 207 EPURE)

This often 207 hatcback, Peugeot CC version will enter into its range. On the basis of that concept was born 207 Epure to pamor Peugeot. There are two important things that you want to be Epure: consep coupé-cabrio the dancing, and the role of the Peugeot encourage the use of alternative fuels.
Epure use the results of the pilot engine PSA Peugeot Citroen is minimal emissions and serene. So the car is environmentally friendly but can still give pleasure driving.
Elegant and expressive design emerged from the muzzle of 207 confirmed by the thick contour. Colors are white pearl effect give a natural and friendly environment as shown engines.
Body to rise to the rear, front corner of the glass roof and round to give the impression dynamic. While the particle side Skirt and the rim Pitlane Alloy karaker will strengthen the performance of the decoy. Rear spoiler, which is decorated with the LED harmony.
Interior design continues the effect of such natural exterior. All the panel dibalut white skin color, also based instrument panel with a touch of white krom. This instrument panel also displays information about the strength of the battery and the amount of Hydrogen. Meanwhile, a color screen in the middle of the console contains the information flow between the power electrical motor, battery and fuel is an alternative.
207 Epure engine using fuel cell teknoogi as producing energy. The unit is used to play the electric motor and to recharge the battery, so mileage cars more remote, environmentally friendly, and serene. However, there is still much that must be feasible to mass produced.


Sering dilansirkanya 207 hatcback, Peugeot akan memasukkan versi CC ke dalam jajarannya. Atas dasar itulah lahir konsep 207 Epure untuk mengangkat pamor Peugeot. Ada dua hal penting yang ingin dikedepankan Epure: consep coupe-cabrio yang menari, serta peran Peugeot yang menggalakkan pemakaian bbm alternative.
Epure menggunakan mesin hasil uji coba PSA Peugeot Citroen yang minim emisi serta hening. Jadi mobil ini ramah lingkungan tapi tetap dapat memberi kenikmatan berkendara.
Desain elegan dan ekspresif muncul dari moncong 207 yang dipertegas dengan kontur tebal. Sedang warna putih mutiara mencuatkan kesan natural dan ramah lingkungan seperti yang ditunjukkan mesinnya.
Bodi meninggi ke belakang, sudut kaca depan dan atap membulat memberi kesan dinamis. Sementara imbuhan side skirt dan pelek alloy Pitlane memperkuat karaker akan performa yang memikat. Bagian belakang dihiasi spoiler yang harmonis dengan lampu LED.
Desain interiornya meneruskan kesan natural seperti eksterior. Seluruh panel dibalut kulit warna putih, begitu pula panel instrument berdasar putih dengan sentuhan krom. Panel instrument ini juga menampilkan informasi mengenai kekuatan baterai dan jumlah hydrogen. Sementara layar berwarna di konsol tengah berisi info aliran tenaga antara motor elektrik, baterai dan bahan bahan bakar alternative itu.
Mesin 207 Epure menggunakan teknoogi fuel cell sebagai penghasil tenaga. Unit ini digunakan untuk memutar motor elektrik dan mengisi ulang baterai, sehingga jarak tempuh mobil semakin jauh, ramah lingkungan, serta hening. Namun masih banyak yang harus disempurnakan agar layak diproduksi massal.


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