Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bull horn F-22 Raptor (Lamborghini REVENTON)

Bull horn F-22 Raptor (Lamborghini REVENTON)

Finally, the object around the pitch-supercar Extreme Lamborghini truly become a reality. Coinciding at the IAA Frankfurt, introduced the Lamborghini Reventon, which has a Lamborghini's most exclusive and extreme throughout history.

How not exclusive, if Reventon only produced as much as 20 units, especially for consumers loyal friend and Lamborghini. and, twenty units have been exhausted before the car was introduced.

According tradition, the name is taken from the famous bull compete Spain. Reventon and is one of the most famous bull compete throughout history. Renenton the famous bull turbulence which he Matador famous Felix Guzman in 1943.

extreme Reventon own direct look at first sight. Lambo words, the design inspired Reventon from the most advanced fighter in the world. Although the release did not name the official Lambo or type, it is not difficult to guess what the aircraft into the source of his inspiration.

Yes, you are not wrong to guess if the F-22 Raptor. See sharp corners in the entire body Reventon. Whether the bumper elements, lighting design to the body lines. Likewise with the visible lines fighter United States Air Force.

F-22 fighter itself is the most expensive and called a world best because the characteristics of stealth, and supercruise capability that no manuever both of them.

It is also feasible Reventon called as one of the most expensive supercar. With the price of 1 Million Euro (12 billion Rupiah), only practical Buggati Veyron who compete ekslusifitas Reventon.

How do with ability? Before answering, let's note the design Reventon. siluet note, the position of light, position of vents and other details. Looks familiar? That's because the Reventon built over the base Murcielago LP640.

Even all the components driving it adopted the property LP640, Reventon means using the 6,500 cc V12 engine 650 dk helpless, like Murcielago LP640. acceleration 0-100 km / h in 3.4 seconds and top speed reached 340 km / hour. Fast, yes? Well, whoa. This means that the Reventon is still far from the fire, to challenge the speed record holder, Bugatti Veyron, which successfully penetrate 400 km / hour.

This is clearly different from the F-22 Raptor in a variety of the pilot successfully destroy the fleet F-15 and F-16 aircraft without losing any one.

Just like the LP640, Reventon also use the driving full-time AWD and girboks Robotic e-gear. Body is made of CFC materials (carbon composite) shows LP640. cabin to give his blessing

nuance fighter layer of TFT displays Just like the LP640, Reventon also use the driving full-time AWD and girboks Robotic e-gear. Body is made of CFC materials (carbon composite) shows LP640. kabinnya give nuance fighter blessing layer of TFT displays information about the car around. Plus, the presence of G-Force meter is a tool commonly present in the cockpit fighter and is also used by the team drivers.


Akhirnya, gossip seputar supercar ter-extreme Lamborghini benar-benar menjadi kenyataan. Bertepatan di IAA Frankfurt, Lamborghini memperkenalkan Reventon, yang disebut-sebut sebagai Lamborghini paling ekslusif dan ekstrem sepanjang sejarah.

Bagaimana tidak ekslusif, jika Reventon hanya diproduksi sebanyak 20 unit, khusus untuk sahabat dan konsumen setia Lamborghini. Dan, duapuluh unit tersebut telah ludes sebelum mobil tersebut diperkenalkan.

Sesuai tradisi, namanya diambil dari banteng petarung terkena Spanyol. Dan Reventon adalah salah satu banteng petarung paling terkenal sepanjang sejarah. Renenton sang banteng terkenal gara-gara dialah yang menewaskan matador ternama Felix Guzman pada 1943.

Keekstreman Reventon sendiri langsung terlihat pada pandangan pertama. Kata Lambo, desain Reventon terinspirasi dari pesawat tempur paling canggih yang ada di dunia. Meski rilis resmi Lambo tidak nama atau typenya, tidaklah sulit menebak pesawat apa yang menjadi sumber inspirasinya.

Ya, anda tidak salah jika menebak F-22 Raptor. Lihat saja sudut-sudut tajam di sekujur tubuh Reventon. Entah itu elemen bumper, desain lampu hingga garis-garis bodi. Terlihat senada dengan garis-garis pesawat tempur Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat tersebut.

F-22 sendiri merupakan pesawat tempur termahal dan disebut-sebut terbaik didunia lantaran karakteristik stealth, supercruise dan kemampuan maneuver yang tiada duanya.

Demikian juga Reventon layak disebut sebagai salah satu supercar termahal. Dengan harga 1 Juta Euro (12 Miliar Rupiah), praktis hanya Buggati Veyron-lah yang menyaingi ekslusifitas Reventon.

Bagaimana dengan kemampuannya? Sebelum menjawab, mari perhatikan desain Reventon. Amati siluet, posisi lampu, posisi lubang udara dan detail-detail lainnya. Tampak familier? Itu karena Reventon dibangun diatas basis Murcielago LP640.

Bahkan seluruh komponen penggerak pun mengadopsi milik LP640, artinya Reventon menggunakan mesin 6.500 cc V12 berdaya 650 dk, persis seperti Murcielago LP640. akselerasi 0-100 Km/jam dalam 3,4 detik dan top speed yang dicapai 340 km/jam. Kencang ya? Hmm, tunggu dulu. Artinya Reventon masih jauh panggang dari api, untuk menantang sang pemegang rekor speed, Bugatti Veyron yang berhasil menembus 400 km/jam.

Ini jelas berbeda dengan F-22 Raptor yang dalam berbagai uji coba berhasil merontokkan armada F-15 dan F-16 tanpa kehilangan satu pesawat pun!.

Sama seperti LP640, Reventon juga menggunakan penggerak AWD full-time dan girboks robotic e-gear. Bodi pun terbuat dari material CFC (karbon Komposit) layaknya LP640. kabinnya memberi nuansa pesawat tempur berkat layer TFT yang menampilkan Informasi seputar seputar mobil. Plus, kehadiran G-Force meter adalah piranti yanglazim hadir di kokpit pesawat tempur dan juga digunakan oleh tim pembalap.


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