Sunday, August 31, 2008

Update on 3rd I.G.NITE! For The Year 2008 - Into GOD'S Nite

Hey, sorry for the late update on the 3rd I.G.NITE! For The Year 2008 - Into GOD'S Nite Service. Was very busy with my things lately. Ok... now back to the update.

The 3rd I.G.NITE! was just so so amazing! I can't really describe the whole night in words, but if you were there, you should know what I mean. It was just AMAZING! AWSOME! - Period. (Glory Ont GOD)

The whole I.G.NITE! team really put in their effort during practice and the team prayed alot too to make the 3rd I.G.NITE! a memorable one. Ivan Yeoh was also leaving for U.S so this was the last I.G.NITE he'll be playing guitar with us.

Happens that the 3rd I.G.NITE! was on a school holiday, so many were not there because they were on holiday. But this time, a few Ignite-Youth go all out to invite their school friends and classmates to join us on that night. So just imagine if the whole Ignite-Youths were there with the new comers, it will be a big group of youths jumping together praising God.

Before the night started, the whole team members was so nervous. I was so nervous till I almost forget my drum parts, but when the night started, everything just went smoothly. The presence of God was so strong on that night. The youths were lifting up their hands worshiping.

Here are a few pictures for you to check out:

3rd I.G.NITE! For The Year 2008 - Into GOD'S Nite Team Members(I.G.NITE! Team members after the last practice)

3rd I.G.NITE! For The Year 2008 - Into GOD'S Nite Team Members (After service)(I.G.NITE! Team members - After I.G.NITE!)

For more pictures, you can go over to:


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